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Arrow heads or points typical of Pueblo period at Mesa Verde Museum. CO. | Collection of local arrowheads at Lincoln County Historical Museum. North Platte, NE. | Northern Plains Indian bull hide shield (1870s) at Autry National Center. Los Angeles, CA. | Indian leather shield with feathers at Omniplex museum. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Native knife with beaded hilt of Kodiak bear jaw at Museum of Idaho. Idaho Falls, ID. | Native knives & scabbards, Blackfoot (c1885) & Gros Ventre (c1870) at Montana Historical Society museum. Helena, MT. | Seneca snapping turtle rattle (pre 1900) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Osage feather fan with beaded handle (1940) at Denver Art Museum. Denver, CO. |
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Indian fan at Buffalo Bill Museum. Lookout Mountain, CO. | Decorative Nuxbaaga & Arapaho blanket strips (1890) at Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Cody, WY. | Chickasaw Indian beaded sash or baldric given by Chief William Colbert when Chickasaws were removed from MS to Indian Territory in 1830s at Museum of Mississippi History. Jackson, MS. | Zuni Indian roadrunner inlay silver jewelry (mid 20thC) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Zuni Indian silver inlay jewelry (mid 20thC) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Native Bullboat of sticks & hides as was used by Lewis & Clark expedition at Museum of Idaho. Idaho Falls, ID. | Bullboat of skin & wood (c1890) at South Dakota State Historical Society Museum. Pierre, SD. | Mandan or Hidatsa painted buffalo robe (c1850-80) at Montana Historical Society museum. Helena, MT. |
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Copy of Sioux winter count drawing on skin (1800-71) at South Dakota State Historical Society Museum. Pierre, SD. | Northern Plains Indian painted buffalo robe (c1875) at Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Cody, WY. | Detail of native hunting buffalo of Northern Plains Indian painted buffalo robe (c1875) at Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Cody, WY. | Detail of native village of Wind River tribe Indian hide painting (c1900) at Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Cody, WY. |
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Cree beadwork pillow (c1907) at Royal Saskatchewan Museum. Regina, SK. | Mayo Pahk'ora native masks from Sonora Mexico in Arizona State Museum. Tucson, AZ. | Hopi Morning Singer Katsina (c1930) at Fowler Museum. Los Angeles, CA. |