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California building / Museum of Man (1915) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue. | California building tiled tower in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | California building facade in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | San Diego Museum of Man in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA.  |
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Figures from California history on facade of Museum of Man building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Sebastian Viscaino & Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, who both discovered San Diego Bay carved in full figure onto California building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Statue of Franciscan Father Luis Jayme, murdered by natives, on California building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Statue of Viscaino on facade San Diego Museum of Man. San Diego, CA. |
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Statue of Cabrillo on facade San Diego Museum of Man. San Diego, CA. | Dome of California building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Old Globe Theater (1982) in Balboa Park replaced a fire-destroyed original dating from 1935. San Diego, CA. Architect: Liebhardt & Weston. | Old Globe Theater sign. San Diego, CA. |
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Old Globe Theater & sculpture Reclining Figure - Arch Leg (1969) by Henry Moore at San Diego Museum of Art. San Diego, CA. | Courtyard of San Diego Museum of Art west wing (1966) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: Mosher & Drew. | Night Presence II (1976) sculpture by Louise Nevelson at San Diego Museum of Art. San Diego, CA. | Figure for Landscape (1960) sculpture by Barbara Hepworth at San Diego Museum of Art. San Diego, CA. |
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San Diego Museum of Art (1926) central building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: William Templeton Johnson. | San Diego Museum of Art plateresque decorations with sculptures of Spanish painters Velazquez, Murillo & Zurbaran. San Diego, CA. | Botanical building (1915) largest wood lath building in the world when it opened in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: Carleton Winslow. | Botanical building & reflective pond in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. |
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Botanical building & lily pond in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Botanical building interior details of redwood lathwork in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Orchids in Botanical building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Carp in botanical pond. San Diego, CA. |
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Yellow, black & white striped caterpillar in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Mingei Museum building in Balboa Park collect International folk arts. San Diego, CA.  | Ritual mask from New Britain Island of Papua New Guinea at Mingei Museum. San Diego, CA.  | Poet & Muse (1998) by Niki de Saint Phalle at Mingei International Museum in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. |
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House of Hospitality (1915 & 35) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Style: Plateresque. Architect: Carleton Winslow & Richard Requa. | House of Hospitality tower in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Carving details over entrance of House of Hospitality in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Tower detail of House of Hospitality in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. |
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Statue of El Cid Campeador (1930) by Anna Hyatt Huntington in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Casa de Balboa houses historical society, photography & model railroad museums. San Diego, CA. | Relief celebrating California missions on Casa de Balboa. San Diego, CA. | Casa de Balboa 1990s reconstruction of the 1915 Panama-California Exposition building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. |
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Casa del Prado portal to arcade in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Casa del Prado Baroque facade in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Casa del Prado Baroque facade detail. San Diego, CA. | Casa del Prado arcade detail in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. |
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Casa del Prado 1970s reconstruction of the 1915 Panama-California Exposition building. San Diego, CA. | Casa del Prado Baroque relief carving details. San Diego, CA. | Casa del Prado relief of sailing ship going through canal (1915). San Diego, CA. | Main walkway of Balboa Park as laid out for 1915 Panama-California Exposition to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal. San Diego, CA. Architect: Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue. |
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Casa del Prado Theater (1971) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: Wheeler Wimer. | Casa del Prado Theater facade details in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. | Natural History Museum (1933) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: William Templeton Johnson. | Natural History Museum seen across fountain (1972) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA.  |
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Rear additions to Natural History Museum (2000) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: Bundy & Thompson. | Plaza of Spanish Village (1935) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: Richard Requa. | Southwestern Artists Assn. building in Balboa Park Spanish Village. San Diego, CA. | White Christmas tree details in Balboa Park Spanish Village. San Diego, CA. |
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Balboa Park Carousel (c1910) by Herschell-Spillman of Tonawanda, NY at Balboa Park. San Diego, CA.  | Panda eating bamboo at Balboa Park Zoo. San Diego, CA.  | Balboa Park Club building in adobe style. San Diego, CA. | Tower of Balboa Park Club. San Diego, CA. |
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Houses of International Relations in Balboa Park were erected for the 1935 Expo. San Diego, CA. Architect: Richard Requa. | Mayan-style Federal Building in Balboa Park now San Diego Hall of Champions Sports Museum. San Diego, CA. | Starlight Bowl (1935) in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. Architect: Vern Knudsen. | Airliner over Balboa Park. San Diego, CA. |
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Ford Building built for California Pacific International Exposition (1935) now San Diego Aerospace Museum. San Diego, CA. Style: Art Deco. On National Register.  | Curtiss P-40 (1940-44) fighter in colors of Flying Tigers at San Diego Aerospace Museum. San Diego, CA.  | San Diego Automotive Museum building in Balboa Park. San Diego, CA.  | Intimidator hot rod (1953) converted from Chevy Sedan Delivery van at San Diego Automotive Museum. San Diego, CA.  |
Brochure of San Diego Panama-California Exposition (1915) at LA County Natural History Museum. Los Angeles, CA. |