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View north from Neues Rathaus Tower. Munich, Germany. | Spire of St Salvatore church (1493). Munich, Germany. Style: late Gothic. | Marienhof park surrounded by apartments. Munich, Germany. | Building opposite Marienhof. Munich, Germany. |
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Sunbathers on Marienhof. Munich, Germany. | Frauenkirche cathedral towers above Marienhof. Munich, Germany. | Shop sign on corner of Marienhof. Munich, Germany. | Oktoberfest celebrant statue with arch of hops on corner of Marienhof. Munich, Germany. |
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Corner building opposites Marienhof. Munich, Germany. | Maffei streetscape leading from Marienhof. Munich, Germany. | Arched bridge over Maffeistraße between two commercial buildings. Munich, Germany. | Promenadeplatz with Maximilian von Montgelas statue. Munich, Germany. |
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Heritage mansion on Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße. Munich, Germany. | Streetscape of heritage mansions on Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße. Munich, Germany. | Bayerische-Hypotheken und Wechselbank heritage building (1896) at Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 10. Munich, Germany. Architect: Emil Schmidt. | Portal of Bayerische-Hypotheken und Wechselbank heritage building at Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 10. Munich, Germany. |
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Carvings on facade of Bayerische-Hypotheken und Wechselbank heritage building at Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 10. Munich, Germany. | Holnstein Palace (1733-7) residence of Archbishop of Munich on Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße. Munich, Germany. Style: Rococo. Architect: François de Cuvilliés. | Holnstein Palace (1733-7) residence of Archbishop of Munich on Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße. Munich, Germany. | Graf Spreti Palace (c1720) on Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße. Munich, Germany. |
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Bayerische Staatsbank building on Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße. Munich, Germany. | Pediment of Bayerische Staatsbank building on Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße. Munich, Germany. | Preysing Palace (1737) on Prannerstraße. Munich, Germany. Style: Rococo. Architect: François de Cuvilliés Elder. | Detail of Preysing Palace (1737) on Prannerstraße. Munich, Germany. |
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Sidewalk plaque outlining body of assassinated journalist & Head of Peoples' State of Bavaria, Kurt Eisner on Feb. 21, 1919 by a far-right nationalist. Munich, Germany. | Inscription marking site of assassination of Kurt Eisner, founder of Bavarian Republic after German defeat in WWI. Munich, Germany. | Salvatorkirche on Salvatorplatz. Munich, Germany. | Dome of Theatine Church. Munich, Germany. |
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Preysing Palace (1737) Rococo Theatinerstraße facade. Munich, Germany. | Residenzstraße streetscape. Munich, Germany. | Preysing Palace (1737) beside Feldherrnhalle on Residenzstraße. Munich, Germany. | Residenzstraße streetscape with Preysing Palace. Munich, Germany. |
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Residenzstraße streetscape. Munich, Germany. | Residenzstraße streetscape. Munich, Germany. |