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Towers & spires of western facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Late (Flamboyant) Gothic details of western facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Exterior of western rose window at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Gothic arch over western portal of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Statues of apostles & bishops on western facade at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Statues of kings & women on western facade at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Late (Flamboyant) Gothic lacework of western facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Statues of saints & bishops on western facade at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Gothic arch with crucifixion carving surrounded by saints over western portal of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Southwest tower (1485-1507) of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Central lantern tower with cast iron spire (19thC replacing originals of 1500s) of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Western facade spires & central lantern tower of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Facade spire details of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Northwest tower roof of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Southwest tower (1485-1507) of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Central lantern tower of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Central lantern tower above flying buttress of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Towers & spires of western facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Western facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Western facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Western facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Southwest tower (1485-1507) of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Upper level of Southwest tower of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Middle level of Southwest tower of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Gothic facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Gothic details of facade with Jesse tree carving of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Jesse tree carving over doorway at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Saints carved on facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Saints carved on facade of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Southern entry to Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Southern archway entrance with Crucifixion scene at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Flamboyant Gothic style of southern entry of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Interior Gothic arches of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Interior Gothic pillars of Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Interior transept ceiling at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stairway with gothic designs at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Model of Viking ship at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Crucifixion carving & altar at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Statuary along ambulatory at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Row of saints at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Statue of St James Major at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Chapel of the Virgin at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stained glass window at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stained glass windows (1465-70) by Guillaume Barbe of St Victor, Virgin & Child, St Agatha & St Sebastian at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Stained glass windows (1465-70) by Guillaume Barbe of story of St Severus at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stained glass windows (1465-70) by Guillaume Barbe of St Michael, St Julian, St William & St Genevieve at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stained glass windows (1465-70) by Guillaume Barbe of St Margaret, St Mary Magdalene, St Nicholas & Virgin & Child at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stained glass windows (1465-70) by Guillaume Barbe of St Clare, a Bishop, St Mary Magdalene, & St Anne teaching the virgin at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Stained glass windows (1465-70) by Guillaume Barbe of Bishops & saints at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stained glass window (1956) by Max Ingrand of life of Joan of Arc at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Stained glass window of life of Joan of Arc at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Tomb of Henri the Younger (eldest son of Henry II) who died 1183 at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Detail of head & praying hands of Henri the Younger on his tomb at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Detail of lion at foot of Henri the Younger on his tomb at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Tomb of William Longsword (2nd Duke of Normandy) who died 942 at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Detail of head of William Longsword (2nd Duke of Normandy) at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |
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Tomb with only heart of Richard Lion-Heart (Duke of Normandy & King of England) who died 1199 at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Inscription of tomb of Richard Lion-Heart at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. | Detail of head of Richard Lion-Heart at Rouen Cathedral whose rest of body is entombed at Fontevrault Abbey. Rouen, France. | Detail of lion at foot of tomb of Richard Lion-Heart at Rouen Cathedral. Rouen, France. |