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Place de la République with Arles city hall, clock tower & Obelisk. Arles, France. | Arles city hall (1676) on Place de la République. Arles, France. | Archbishop's palace & entrance to cloister with post office beyond on Place de la République. Arles, France. | Gallery entrance on Place de la République. Arles, France. |
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Roman Arles Obelisk (4thC) was moved onto pedestal (1676) in Place de la République. Arles, France. | Arles Obelisk (4thC) atop pedestal (1676) with St Trophime church behind at Place de la République. Arles, France. | Bronze lion sculptures (19thC) by Antoine Laurent Dantan on Arles Obelisk pedestal. Arles, France. | Fountain bronze face with lion headdress (19thC) by Antoine Laurent Dantan on Arles Obelisk pedestal. Arles, France. |
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Fountain spout in form of goose (19thC) by Antoine Laurent Dantan on Arles Obelisk pedestal. Arles, France. | St Trophime church (12th-15thC). Arles, France. Style: Romanesque. | Christ with Evangelist symbols (angel of St Luke, eagle of St John lion of St Matthew, bull of St Mark) over Apostles on Last Judgment scene over portal of St Trophime church. Arles, France. | Last Judgment scene with Christ & Evangelists over Apostles all surrounded by arch of angels over portal of St Trophime church. Arles, France. |
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Row of saved souls going to heaven in Last Judgment scene carved to left of portal of St Trophime church. Arles, France. | Row of chained sinners going to hell in Last Judgment scene carved to right of portal of St Trophime church. Arles, France. | St Bartholomew, St James the Great, St Trophimus sculpted to left of portal of St Trophime church. Arles, France. | Last Judgment scene, St Jacob, St Phillip sculpted to right of portal of St Trophime church. Arles, France. |
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Romanesque biblical carving on column base at St Trophime church. Arles, France. | Interior of St Trophime church. Arles, France. | Pulpit of St Trophime church. Arles, France. | Romanesque arches of central tower in St Trophime church. Arles, France. |
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Stained glass windows of St Trophime church. Arles, France. | Romanesque tower of St Trophime. Arles, France. | Cloister of St Trophime. Arles, France. | Cloister arches of St Trophime. Arles, France. |
Romanesque column capital carving in cloister of St Trophime. Arles, France. |