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The Holy Family painting (1909) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Le Pont de Passy et la Tour Eiffel painting (1911) by Marc Chagall at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | I & the Village (1911) painting by Marc Chagall at MoMA. New York, NY. | Soldier Drinks painting (1911-2) by Marc Chagall at Guggenheim Museum. New York City, NY. |
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Flying Carriage painting (1913) by Marc Chagall at Guggenheim Museum. New York City, NY. | Paris through the Window painting (1913) by Marc Chagall at Guggenheim Museum. New York City, NY. | Memory of my Youth (1924) by Marc Chagall at National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, ON. | Dream Village painting (1929) by Marc Chagall at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. |
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Lovers among Lilacs painting (1930) by Marc Chagall at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Prophet Daniel in the Lion's Den lithograph (1930) by Marc Chagall at University of Arizona Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | God Created Man painting (1930) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Marie Dances (Marie danse) painting (1931) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Elijah & Rebecca painting (1931) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Jacob Leaves his Country to go to Egypt painting (1931) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Noah sends out the Dove (Noé lâche la colombe) painting (1931) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Sacrifice of Noah (Le Sacrifice de Noé) painting (1932) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Eiffel Tower (1934) by Marc Chagall at National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, ON. | White Crucifixion painting (1938) by Marc Chagall at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Married couple at Eiffel Tower abstract painting (1938-9) by Marc Chagall at Georges Pompidou Center. Paris, France. | Read Rooster painting (1940) by Marc Chagall at Cincinnati Art Museum. Cincinnati, OH. |
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Flying Fish (1948) painting by Marc Chagall at Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Buffalo, NY. | Painting depicting couple (1949) by Marc Chagall at Nice Fine Arts Museum. Nice, France. | Moses receives the Ten Commandments (Moïse recevant les Tables de la Loi) painting (1950-52) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | King David painting (1951) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Detail of King David painting (1951) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Crossing the Red Sea (La Traversée de la mer Rouge) painting (1955) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Crossing the Red Sea painting (1955) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Verve book (1956) dedication signed & decorated (1968) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Creation of Man (La création de l'Homme) painting (1956-58) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of the Creation of Man (La création de l'Homme) painting (1956-58) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of the Creation of Man (La création de l'Homme) painting (1956-58) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Creation of Man (La création de l'homme) pastel & painting (1956-58) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Creation of Man (La création de l'homme) pastel & black ink (1956-58) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Creation of Man (La création de l'homme) ceramic (1959) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Gallery of paintings inspired by the Old Testament Song of Songs (1957-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Song of Songs I (Le Cantique des Cantiques I) painting (1960) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Song of Songs II (Le Cantique des Cantiques II) painting (1957) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Song of Songs III (Le Cantique des Cantiques III) painting (1960) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Song of Songs IV (Le Cantique des Cantiques IV) painting (1958) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Song of Songs V (Le Cantique des Cantiques V) painting (1965-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Paradise painting (1961) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Paradise painting including Adam, Eve & snake (1961) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Adam & Eve expelled from Paradise painting (1961) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Adam & Eve expelled from Paradise painting (1961) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Noah's Ark painting (1961-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Noah & the Rainbow painting (1961-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of bearded angel in Noah & the Rainbow painting (1961-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Noah in Noah & the Rainbow painting (1961-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Abraham & the Three Angels painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Abraham & the Three Angels painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Abraham & the Three Angels painting in oil & India ink (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Sacrifice of Isaac painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Detail of Sacrifice of Isaac painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Sacrifice of Isaac in crayon, pastel & India ink (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Jacob's Dream painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Jacob's Dream painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Detail of dove in Jacob's Dream painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Jacob Wrestling with Angel painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Jacob Wrestling with Angel painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Fight of Jacob & Angel (La Lutte de Jacob et de l'Ange) painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Fight of Jacob & Angel (La Lutte de Jacob et de l'Ange) painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | The Dream of Jacob painting (1956-67) by Marc Chagall at Museum of Fine Arts. Reims, France. | Moses & Burning Bush painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Moses Striking the Rock painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Moses in Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Aaron the High Priest in Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Israelites awaiting Moses in Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law painting (1960-66) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Life (La Vie) (1964) painting by Marc Chagall at Fondation Maeght. St Paul de Vence, France. | The Lovers (Les Amoureux) mosaic (1964-65) by Marc Chagall at Fondation Maeght. St Paul de Vence, France. | Mediterranean Landscape (Paysage Méditerranéen) tapestry (1971) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Detail of Mediterranean Landscape (Paysage Méditerranéen) tapestry (1971) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. |
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Invitation Card for the opening of the museum (1973) by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Mosaic (1971) depicting Prophet Elijah in his chariot of fire & 12 signs of the Zodiac over pond by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Mosaic (1971) depicting Prophet Elijah in his chariot of fire & 12 signs of the Zodiac over pond by Marc Chagall at Chagall Museum. Nice, France. | Four Seasons mosaic by Marc Chagall at Chase Tower plaza. Chicago, IL. |
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Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of group of people at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. | Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of dancing group at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. | Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of plant sprouting human faces over artist's signature at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. | Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of sunburst with young couple at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. |
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Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of colorful family scene at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. | Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of musicians & dancers at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. | Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of couple with horse at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. | Marc Chagall's mosaic detail of sunburst with young couple at Chase Tower. Chicago, IL. |
Grave of Marc Chagall surrounded by stones placed by visitors. St Paul de Vence, France. |