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John Constable portrait (c1799) by Ramsay Richard Reinagle at National Portrait Gallery. London, United Kingdom. | Laura Moubray, née Hobson painting (1808) by John Constable at National Gallery of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Wivenhoe Park, Essex painting (1816) by John Constable at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Weymouth Bay from Downs above Osmington Mills (c1816) painting by John Constable at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. |
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Bay at Weymouth with approaching storm painting (c1818-9) by John Constable at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Scene on a Navigable River painting (1816-7) by John Constable at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom. | The White Horse painting (1818-9) by John Constable at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Stratford Mill painting (1819-20) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. |
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Malvern Hall, Warwickshire painting (1820-1) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Salisbury Cathedral from Lower Marsh Close painting (1820) by John Constable at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Dedham Lock painting (1819-20) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Dedham Lock & Mill painting (1820) by John Constable of England at Currier Museum of Art. Manchester, NH. |
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Waterloo Bridge painting (c1820-6) by John Constable of England at Cincinnati Art Museum. Cincinnati, OH. | Hampstead Heath, Looking Toward Harrow (c1821) by John Constable at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. | Hay Wain (hay wagon crossing ford) painting (1821) by John Constable at National Gallery. London, United Kingdom. | Array of cloud study paintings (1821-5) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. |
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Cloud study painting (1822) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Ploughing Scene in Suffolk painting (1824-5) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Hove Beach painting (1824-8) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Coast near Brighton painting (c1824-28) by John Constable at Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, MI. |
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Parham Mill, Gillingham painting (c1826) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Cornfield painting (1826) by John Constable at National Gallery. London, United Kingdom. | Glebe Farm painting (1827) by John Constable at Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, MI. | Branch Hill Pond, Hampstead (1828) by John Constable at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. |
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Vale of Dedham painting (1828) by John Constable at National Gallery of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Hadleigh Castle, The Mouth of the Thames - Morning after a Stormy Night painting (1829) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Salisbury Cathedral from Meadows painting (c1829) by John Constable at National Gallery of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Glebe Farm painting (c1830) by John Constable at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom. |
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Salisbury Cathedral from Meadow painting (1831) by John Constable at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom. | Opening of Waterloo Bridge sketch (1829-31) by John Constable at Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, CT. | Opening of Waterloo Bridge, London on June 18, 1817 painting (1832) by John Constable at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom. | Detail of Opening of Waterloo Bridge on June 18, 1817 painting (1832) by John Constable at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom. |
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Cenotaph to Memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds painting (1833-6) by John Constable at National Gallery. London, United Kingdom. | Stoke-by-Nayland painting (1836) by John Constable at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Hampstead Heath with a Rainbow painting (1836) by John Constable at Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom. | Helmingham Dell painting by John Constable at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. |