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Writing desk with two side drawers, inlaid with ivory & ebony (16thC) from Italy at Blois Chateau. Blois, France. | School desks in Voorlezer's House (c1695) at Historic Richmond Town. Staten Island, NY. | George Washington's portable writing case used during Revolutionary War at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Thomas Jefferson's portable desk which he designed & on which he wrote the Declaration of Independence at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Gen. Zachary Taylor's traveling desk (c1810) at James Madison Museum. Orange, VA. | Writing desk in Gates house at Pioneer Village. Gonzales, TX. | Stephen F. Austin's desk (c1830s) saved from his cabin before it was burned during Runaway Scrape at Bullock Texas State History Museum. Austin, TX. | Chickens climb through desk in storehouse at Jamestown Settlement. Jamestown, VA. |
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Desk of Solomon Crowell Howland (1837-78) at Jabez Howland House. Plymouth, MA. | Civil War field desk at Atlanta Historical Museum. Atlanta, GA. | Field desk used at Vicksburg battle by an Illinois quartermaster. Vicksburg, MS. | Civil War lap writing table at Woodman Museum. Dover, NH. |
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Desk at Shriver House Museum. Gettysburg, PA. | Grant's desk in his HQ cabin at Hopewell. Hopewell, VA. | Portable desk used by Teddy Roosevelt's Calvary unit in Cuba at Buckhorn Museum. San Antonio, TX. | Desk on sawhorse-style supports in closed position at Conde-Charlotte Museum. Mobile, AL. |
Desk on sawhorse-style supports in closed open at Conde-Charlotte Museum. Mobile, AL. |