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Pharmacy interior at Burnaby Village Museum. Burnaby, BC. | Various frontier patent medicine containers at Gold Rush History Center. Sacramento, CA. | Display of pharmaceutical goods in glass bottles at Mariposa Museum. Mariposa, CA. | Apothecary jars & mortar & pestle at Mariposa Museum. Mariposa, CA. |
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Antique pharmacy shelves & artifacts at Northern Mariposa County Museum. Coulterville, CA. | Row buildings on State St. containing Drug Store & Dentist Office at Columbia State Historic Park. Columbia, CA. | Traditional drug store sign on building at Columbia State Historic Park. Columbia, CA. | Display of scents & face powders in drug store at Columbia State Historic Park. Columbia, CA. |
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Display of medicinal jars & tins in drug store at Columbia State Historic Park. Columbia, CA. | Shelves of medicines in drug store at Columbia State Historic Park. Columbia, CA. | Pharmaceutical jars on shelves of drug store at Columbia State Historic Park. Columbia, CA. | Shelves of over-the-counter medicines in general store display at El Dorado County Historical Museum. Placerville, CA. |
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Haley Building (former Maclise Drugstore) (1880s) (a tiny flatiron) (1633 San Pablo Ave.). Oakland, CA. | J.A. Merriam Drug Store with medicines & soda fountain at South Park City. Fairplay, CO. | Soda fountain fixtures in J.A. Merriam Drug Store at South Park City. Fairplay, CO. | Antique syrup dispenser of soda fountain in J.A. Merriam Drug Store at South Park City. Fairplay, CO. |
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Chest for medicines at Dr. Hezekiah Chaffee House. Windsor, CT. | Antique Drug Store at Mystic Seaport. Mystic, CT. | Collection of medicine bottles in Drug Store at Mystic Seaport. Mystic, CT. | Wooten Patent Desk (1874-97) beside cast iron stove in drug store office at Mystic Seaport. Mystic, CT. |
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Hollywood's Schwab's drug store copied at Universal Studios. Orlando, FL. | Apothecary & desk in Oldest Frame House of Mission House Museum. Honolulu, HI. | Medicines & tools in Oldest Frame House of Mission House Museum. Honolulu, HI. | Antique drug store at Sedgwick County Historical Museum. Wichita, KS. |
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Antique drug store soda fountain at Sedgwick County Historical Museum. Wichita, KS. | Apothecary shop sign (c1860) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Objects from Robert Rantoul Sr.'s apothecary shop including apothecary case, mortar & pestle shop sign, & phrenology bust at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. | Apothecary shop (c1830) (153 Main St.). Sandwich, MA. |
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Grant's Drug Store at Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum. Hannibal, MO. | Medicine bottles in Grant's Drug Store at Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum. Hannibal, MO. | Corner Drug Store (1123 Washington St.). Vicksburg, MS. | Rank's Drugstore (1865) in stone building built by Paris Pfouts & Samuel Russel. Virginia City, MT. |
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Tonics & patent medicines in Mercantile store at Stuhr Museum. Grand Island, NE. | Antique pharmacy at Warp Pioneer Village. Minden, NE. | Apothecary trade sign (19thC) from Dover, NH at Woodman Museum. Dover, NH. | Old style pharmacy sign. Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
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Ecker Drug Store (1885) (45 East Market St.). Corning, NY. | Medicine chests & store items at Whaling Museum. Cold Spring Harbor, NY. | Pill making equipment at Annie Cooper Boyd House. Sag Harbor, NY. | Compasses, ship medicine kit & other whaling ship artifacts at Sag Harbor Whaling Museum. Sag Harbor, NY. |
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Pharmacist's mortar & pestle sign on General Store at Milan Historical Museum. Milan, OH. | Pharmacy shop at Cleveland History Center. Cleveland, OH. | Medicine cabinet in Clement Jagger House at Hale Farm. Cleveland, OH. | Sutton's Drug Store (c1856) & Beekman Bank (1863) (now Wells Fargo) (115 E California St.). Jacksonville, OR. |
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Apothecary Shoppe Museum in Wall Drug Store. Wall, SD. | Barber pole & shelves of medicine & cosmetic bottles in General Store at Sam Houston Park. Houston, TX. | Old Central Drugstore (1905) (124 East Main St.). Fredericksburg, TX. | Italianate heritage commercial building & Davis Building (former Rawson's Drug Store) (1924). Kerrville, TX. |
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Apothecary cabinet at McCulloch House. Waco, TX. | Medicines & bottled goods in Commissary at historic village of Mayborn Museum. Waco, TX. | Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop Museum. Fredericksburg, VA. | Carved eagle atop mortar & pestle apothecary shop sign (mid 19thC) at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. |
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Apothecary shop reproduction entrance at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. | Apothecary shop interior at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. | National Cash Register at Apothecary shop interior at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. | Apothecary shop interior at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. |
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Apothecary shop bottles interior at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. | Veternary Medicines sales case at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. | Medicine Chest abandoned (1865) by Confederate Battery at Petersburg, VA at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Charleston's Scott Brothers Drug Store soda fountain (c1950's) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Scott Brothers soda fountain at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Ornate mahogany stained glass windows from Scott Brothers Drug Store at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Syrup dispensers & National Cash Register from Scott Brothers Drug Store (1950's) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |