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Ceramic plate with moulded snake, crayfish & frogs (1599) by Agostine Conrado from Nevers, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Ceramic pilgrim's flask (gourde à passants) with arms of France (1600-30) from Nevers, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Ceramic puzzle jug (1620-40) from Nevers, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Three puzzle jugs of ceramic (after 1650) from Nevers; glass (18thC) from Bohemia or France; & blue enamelled clay (16thC) from France at Museum of Decorative Arts. Paris, France. |
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Polychrome gourd vase with St Peter (c1650) from Nevers, France at Rouen Ceramic Museum. Rouen, France. | Earthenware gourd (1667) by Edme Poterat of Rouen or Nevers at Rouen Ceramic Museum. Rouen, France. | Ceramic bust of king in antique dress (1670-80) from Nevers, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Ceramic torus gourd painted with putti & sunflowers (1680) from Nevers, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. |
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Ceramic fortified chateau (1689) from Nevers, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | La liberté earthenware plate with Revolutionary era symbols (end 18thC) from Nevers, France at Rouen Ceramic Museum. Rouen, France. | Earthenware plate inscribed "Law & Peace" (1791) from Nevers at Carnavalet Museum. Paris, France. | Earthenware plate with symbols of the French Revolution (1795) from Nevers at Carnavalet Museum. Paris, France. |
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Earthenware pitcher (c1789) painted with the ardent heart made by Faïence de Never at Carnavalet Museum. Paris, France. | Earthenware puzzle jug (c1791) painted with standard of unknown order & inscribed La Loi made by Faïence de Never at Carnavalet Museum. Paris, France. | Lampwork glass figurines of the Magi (18thC) probably from Nevers, France at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |