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Collection of Netsuke & Inro from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Collection of Netsuke & Inro (most 1700-1900) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Collection of Netsuke & Inro (most 1700-1900) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Inro with bear design (1700-1900) & Netsuke with lion dancer head (1800-1900) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. |
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Japanese netsuke & inro carved with carp at Toledo Museum of Art. Toledo, OH. | Japanese netsuke & inro with robed men at Toledo Museum of Art. Toledo, OH. | Japanese covered stacked case (aka inro) at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. | Japanese covered stacked case (aka inro) at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. |
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Japanese covered stacked case (aka inro) at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. | Netsuke of skull with two snakes (1800-1900) & Netsuke of Hannya mask (c1650-1705) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Netsuke of three boatmen & pine on clamshell (c1800-1900) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Netsuke of monkey in coils of snake (c1800-1900) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. |
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Netsuke of snail & ant on bamboo (c1800-1900) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Netsuke of octopus with basket of sea bream, clams, abalone (c1800-1900) from Japan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Japanese ivory Netsuke of two frogs wrestling on lotus leaf (19thC) at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Japanese ivory netsuke with rat & candle (1868-1912) at Honolulu Academy of Arts. Honolulu, HI. |
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Japanese ivory rabbit netsuke (1773-1856 C) at Peabody Essex Museum. Salem, MA. | Japanese netsuke in form of rabbit at Toledo Museum of Art. Toledo, OH. | Japanese ivory tree spirit netsuke at Peabody Essex Museum. Salem, MA. | Collection of netsuke in Newton Arts Building at Milan Historical Museum. Milan, OH. |
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Netsuke collection (18th-19thC) from Japan at Cincinnati Art Museum. Cincinnati, OH. | Japanese ivory Okimono of skeleton (19thC) at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Silver fish serving set (1881) from Sheffield, England with ivory handles from Japan at Dallas Museum of Art. Dallas, TX. | Japanese-style comb with crane at Museum of Decorative Arts. Paris, France. |
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Japanese-style comb with tortoise at Museum of Decorative Arts. Paris, France. | Japanese-style comb with cranes at Museum of Decorative Arts. Paris, France. | Collection of Chinese & Japanese snuff bottles at Chester Beatty Library. Dublin, Ireland. | Collection of Chinese & Japanese snuff bottles at Chester Beatty Library. Dublin, Ireland. |
Collection of Chinese & Japanese snuff bottles at Chester Beatty Library. Dublin, Ireland. |