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Greek terracotta perfume jar in shape of Minotaur (580-560 BCE) from Ionia at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek terracotta Rhyton (ritual drinking cup) in shape of bull's head at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Cyprian terracotta molded pouring vessels in shape of bulls (14th-13thC BCE) from Cyprus at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta oil container in form of boar (late 4th- early 3rdC BCE) from Apulia, Southern Italy at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. |
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Greek terracotta oil flask in shape of owl (c630 BCE) from Corinth at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Ancient Greek lion funerary monument (c390 BCE) from near Athens at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Pottery vase in form of duck (c600-580 BCE) from Eastern Greece at University of Missouri Museum of Art & Archaeology. Columbia, MO. | Ceramic black-figure lekythos (330-300 BCE) from Campania attrib. to the Asteas/Pylon at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. |
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Greek ceramic model chariot with warrior from Attica late geometric period (760-740 BCE) at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. | Greek terracotta sculpture of woman pounding grain (5thC BCE) at Museum of Bread and Art. Ulm, Germany. | Greek terracotta sculpture of woman selling bread (5thC BCE) at Museum of Bread and Art. Ulm, Germany. | Greek terracotta sphinx (c550-525 BCE) made in Boeotia at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. |
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Greek terracotta winged woman at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek terracotta statue of birth of Aphrodite (3rdC BCE) at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta miniature theater masks (c300-100 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek terracotta & bronze oil vessels shaped as female heads (c470-1 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Greek terracotta heads of two men (c480-460 BCE) from Taranto, Italy at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek & Roman Terra-cotta votive figures (3rdC BCE - 3rdC CE) at Neues Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Greek terracotta vessel in shape of sandaled foot (c575-550 BCE) from Rhodes at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. | Greek terracotta scent-bottle in shape of sandaled foot (c575-550 BCE) said to be from Samos at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
Terracotta scent bottle in form of hare (600-550 BCE) from Corinth at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |