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Pilgrim's badge (c1300) with Sts Peter & Paul signifying that owner had visited their tombs in Rome at Hamburg History Museum. Hamburg, Germany. | Pilgrimage lead & tin medals collected from France, Spain & as far as Jerusalem (mostly 14thC-16thC) at Cluny Museum. Paris, France. | Detail of pilgrim on horse to right of tympanum of Cathedral St Lazarre. Autun, France. | St Roch with pilgrim's hat detail of Three Saints painting (c1513) by Giovanni Battista Cima at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Carved praying pilgrim detail on choir stall (1528) in Chapel at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. | Pilgrim's garb of Stephan Praun III (c1571) prob. Spanish at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Figure carrying cross & scallop shell, marking pilgrims on road to Santiago de Compostela, on building at Johann-Philippstr. & Brotstr. Trier, Germany. | Ceramic pilgrim flask (1stC BCE - 2ndC CE) at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. |
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Byzantine glass pilgrim bottle (6-7th C CE) prob. from Jerusalem at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. | Venetian pilgrim flask with coat of arms of a Bishop in della Rovere family (prob. 1480s) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Field Flask & Pilgrim Flask (late 15thC-16thC) at New Aachen City Museum. Aachen, Germany. | Enameled glass pilgrim's gourd (start 16thC) from Venice at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. |
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Venetian enameled glass pilgrim's gourd (early 16thC) by Murano at Beaux-Arts Museum. Lyon, France. | Glazed earthenware pilgrim's gourd (1600-20) from Saintonge, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Ceramic pilgrim's flask (gourde à passants) with arms of France (1600-30) from Nevers, France at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Silver pilgrim bottles with arms of 6th Earl of Moray (c1700) prob. from London at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. |