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Wurlitzer Style Military Band Organ (c1925) at Burnaby Village Museum. Burnaby, BC. | Wurlitzer organ at New England Carousel Museum. Bristol, CT. | Horse heads against Wurlitzer organ at Bushnell Park Carousel. Hartford, CT. | Carousel organ by Wurlitzer at Merry-Go-Round Museum. Sandusky, OH. |
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Wurlitzer jukebox at Oakland Museum of California. Oakland, CA. | Wurlitzer jukebox at Museum of Virginia History. Richmond, VA. | Belgian Dance Organ (1936) by Alphons Burnsens at Revelstoke Nickelodeon Museum. Revelstoke, BC. | Seeburg upright grand piano organ (1913) in saloon at Cleveland History Center. Cleveland, OH. |
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The Billhorn Telescope organ, Chicago IL, which can be collapsed small enough to fit on back of horse & was often rented by traveling preachers passing though Angels Camp at Angels Camp Museum. Angels Camp, CA. | Portable Concert Roller Organ (c1890) made by G.H.W. Bates & Co. at Mystic Seaport. Mystic, CT. | Barrel organ (1790s) made by Longman & Broderip of London in West Virginia period parlor at DAR Memorial Continental Hall. Washington, DC. | Barrel organ (c1820) from France in parlor of Mount Vernon Hotel Museum. New York, NY. |
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Hand-written playlist of French & American tunes on barrel organ at Mount Vernon Hotel Museum. New York, NY. | Street organ on push cart by A. Eyser of Berlin at Deutsches Museum. Munich, Germany. | Organ console in Fox Theatre. Atlanta, GA. | Decorated organ. Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
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Organ on display during the annual barrel organ festival in Enkhuizen. Netherlands. | Lavishly decorated organ named Australia Fair. Sydney, Australia. | Royal American Shows Gavioli Band Organ (1905) replicates the sound of an 80-piece band at Circus World Museum. Baraboo, WI. | Animated figures on Royal American Shows Gavioli Band Organ at Circus World Museum. Baraboo, WI. |
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Painting of angels playing music on Royal American Shows Gavioli Band Organ at Circus World Museum. Baraboo, WI. | Painting of Pan playing pipes on Royal American Shows Gavioli Band Organ at Circus World Museum. Baraboo, WI. | Skerbeck Shows automated organ at Circus World Museum. Baraboo, WI. |