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Wedgwood factory near Stoke-on-Trent. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Josiah Wedgwood statue in front of Wedgwood factory. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Josiah Wedgwood statue in front of Wedgwood factory. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | World of Wedgwood museum building run by Victoria & Albert Museum on grounds of Wedgwood factory. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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World of Wedgwood museum entrance run by Victoria & Albert Museum on grounds of Wedgwood factory. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Mural of butterfly at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Josiah Wedgwood portrait on ceramic tablet (1780) by George Stubbs at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Sarah Wedgwood portrait on ceramic tablet (1780) by George Stubbs at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Josiah Wedgwood portrait medallion of black jasper (modeled 1782, copied 20thC) by William Hackwood for Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | View of Etruria including Bank House built for Thomas Bentley (partner of Josiah Wedgewood) watercolor (late 18thC or early 19thC) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | View of Etruria Hall home of Josiah Wedgewood painted on biscuit earthenware plaque (c1773) attrib. James Bakewell at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Plan of Grand Canal from Trent to the Mersey (including Stoke area) engraving from Gentleman's Magazine (1771) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Model of how potter's wheel was turned by rope in Wedgwood's shop at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Fire hand pumper (1783) for factory of Josiah Wedgwood of Etruria at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood's experimental tray of cream-colored earthenware (c1760) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood's Japer trials numbered as recorded in his experiment book on wooden tray (c1773-6) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Slipware dish on buff earthenware body with lead glaze (late 17thC) typical of Stoke region at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Unglazed red earthenware teapot (1745-55) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Black earthenware teapots (1755-60) with two stacked spoiled versions excavated locally at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Glazed red earthenware teapot lids with applied white sprigged decoration (applied low relief) (1750-55) a forerunner of Jasperware style at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Salt-glazed stoneware press molded dishes (1760) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Block molded salt-glazed stoneware with foxglove pattern (1760-2) possibly by William Greatbatch of Fenton at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Terra Cotta stoneware engine-turned vases with slip decoration (c1775-8) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Cauliflower molded coffee pot & jugs of cream-colored earthenware (creamware) with green glaze (1760-65) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Collection of early Wedgwood creamware including the first vases made in England (1760s) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Creamware vase with conical lid decorated with lions holding garlands with traces of original gilding (1765-7) by Josiah Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Creamware pot-pourri vase with cover & molded leaves (1768) by Josiah Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Collection of Wedgwood creamware (renamed Queen's Ware following patronage of Queen Charlotte) decorated with cutouts, painting & appliqués (1770s) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Queen's Ware covered basket (c1774) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware plate with molded Tudor rose & painted yellow & black enamel flower (c1769) prob. James Bakewell for Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware three-part crème bowl (c1776) in manner of James Bakewell for Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware hand-painted coffeepot (c1776) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Queen's Ware Epergne with dishes for sweetmeats & custard (1770-5) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware teapot with painted Chinese figures (c1775) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Collection of Queen's Ware plates & vessels transfer-printed in black or red (1770s) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware transfer-printed over glaze teapot with dancing figures beside violin player (c1770) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Queen's Ware transfer-printed over glaze milk or cream jug with exotic birds (1770-5) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware transfer-printed over oval platter with landscape (c1780) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware dessert plate with painted English country scene (1773-4) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware dessert plate with painted Aysgarth Bridge, Yorkshire (1774-5) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Queen's Ware herring disk with two molded fish (1780-2) by Wedgwood for export to Holland at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware Etruscan pattern red & black transfer-printed plate (c1790) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware Etruscan pattern red & black transfer-printed plate (c1790) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware dessert service dishes in shape of nautilus & scallop sea shells with pattern 384 enameled trim (1785-90) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Queen's Ware soup tureen with armorial crest (c1790) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware jugs painted (l) & partially transfer-printed outline then painted (r) (1786-90) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Factory models of stirrup cups in form of hare's head (c1779-85) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Queen's Ware plate collection showing many patterns sold (1770s-1800) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Samples of Wedgwood dinnerware edging which clients could order (1770s-1800) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Collection of Black Basalt ceramics by Wedgwood (trials 1766, first produced 1767) included coal dust to allow replications of ancient Roman finds at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Collection of Wedgwood Porphyry & Agate Ornamental Ware made by wedging various color of clay together (1769-75) to create vases after shapes of antiquity at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Porphyry-like ornamental stoneware vase with snake handles (1778-80) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Black Basalt vases with red encaustic decoration of classical figures noting First Day of production on reverse (June 13, 1769) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Black Basalt ewer (1775-80) by Wedgwood based on book of ancient vases at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Black Basalt breakfast set with encaustic enamel (1778-80) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Black Basalt teapot with encaustic enamel (1780-85) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Black Basalt vases with swan handles & encaustic enamel (1785-90) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Black Basalt library busts of Paris c1830), Hermann Boerhaave (1779-80) & Marcus Aurelius (1774-80) by Wedgwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Gallery of Josiah Wedgwood era at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood Caneware teapot (1780-85) designed to look like Chinese bamboo at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Wedgwood Caneware bough-pot candlestick (1780-85) mimics Chinese bamboo at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood Caneware flower holder (c1785) mimics Chinese bamboo at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Items from Josiah's workbench during time (early 1770s) when Wedgewood was experimenting to develop Jasper & other ceramic materials at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Collection of early jasperware in range of colored bodies appropriate for neo-classical styles of the day to rival porcelain at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Wedgwood green jasper plaque depicting Birth of Bacchus (c1776) by William Hackwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper plaque depicting Birth of Bacchus with firing flaw crack (c1776) by William Hackwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper plaque depicting Offering to Flora (c1778) attrib. William Hackwood at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper plaques depicting neo-classical themes (c1778-80) by William Hackwood, Matthew Boulton, et al at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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King George III & Queen Charlotte portrait medallions of Wedgwood blue jasper (1776-80) by William Hackwood in ormolu frames by Matthew Boulton at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Hebe with Eagle & Flora medallions of Wedgwood blue jasper (1775-80) in ormolu frames by Matthew Boulton at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper medallions with neo-classical themes (1775-80) by several artists in ormolu frames by Matthew Boulton at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper medallions with neo-classical themes (1775-80) by several artists in ormolu frames by Matthew Boulton at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Wedgwood blue jasper medallions depicting Seven Muses (1777-80) attrib. John Flaxman Jr at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Beaded buckles with Wedgwood blue jasper medallions (1785-90) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood lilac jasper coffee pot depicting Friendship consoling Affliction (1780-5) by William Hackwood after design by Lady Templetown at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood green jasper teapot depicting Sportive Love (1785-90) after design by Lady Templetown at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Wedgwood blue jasper coffee pot depicting Domestic Employment (1785-90) after design by Lady Templetown at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood pale green jasper teapot depicting Domestic Employment (1785-90) after design by Lady Templetown at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper tripod lamp standing on three dolphins (1785-90) after design by Lady Templetown at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper vases depicting Venus in her Chariot (one with snake handles) (1786-90) after Charles Le Brun over pair of salts (1783-5) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Wedgwood blue jasper footed bowl centerpiece with white & yellow weaving (1785-90) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue jasper woven covered basket with white ornaments (1790) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood blue saucer-dish for tea kettle depicting Infant Academy (1785-90) by William Hackwood after design by Sir Joshua Reynolds at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood black jasper vase with cupids & swans (c1790) after Charles Le Brun at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
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Wedgwood black jasperware Portland vase (1793) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood black jasperware Portland vase reverse side (1793) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood white jasperware chess set (1785-95) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. | Wedgwood white jasperware chess set (1785-95) at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England. |
Gallery of Wedgwood production after 1800 at World of Wedgwood. Barlaston, Stoke, England.  |