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Deeds Carillon (1940-42) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. On National Register. | Locust Grove one room School # 12 (1896) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Interior of Locust Grove School # 12 (1896) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Sheet music of John Philip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Newcom Tavern (1796) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Newcom Tavern log structure at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Newcom Tavern log chimney at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Newcom Tavern interior fireplace at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Spinning wheels displayed in Newcom Tavern at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Froe tool for cleaving shingles at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Memorial sundial at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | William Morris House (c1815) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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William Morris House (c1815) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Daisies at William Morris House at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Interior of William Morris House at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Interior of William Morris House at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Newcom House (c1841) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. Style: Greek Revival. | Deeds Barn where a group of young engineers headed by Col. Edward A. Deeds and Charles F. Kettering developed the modern auto ignition which became DELCO at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | First electrified cash register by National at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Delco Frigidaire Refrigerator (1922) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Sugar Camp / Waves Cabin 22 (1934) where U.S. Navy Waves worked during WWII on an NCR code breaking project at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | IEEE plaque marking U.S. Naval Computing Machine Laboratory (1942-45) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Display about Dayton Code Breaking Project during World War II at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Posters about women's role in World War II at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Sugar Camp / Waves Cabin 22 interior living quarters as it was for WAVES during WWII at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Corliss Engine building at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | George H. Corliss Engine steam electrical generator (1902-48) used by National Cash Register Co. at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Corliss Engine steam generator (1902-48) generated electricity efficiently at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Print Shop (1930s) produced business forms & packaging for Dayton's manufacturers at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Printing press by R. Hoe & Co. of New York at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Linotype machine in Print Shop at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Printing press in Print Shop at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Sun Oil Station (1924) with pagoda roof at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Joyce-Cridland Auto Lift (c1929) beside Sun Oil Station at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Dayton Sales car showroom at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | National Cash Register made in Dayton at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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National Cash Register made in Dayton at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Oliver Standard Visible typewriter at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | National Cash Register tabulating machine (early computer) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Poster for NCR day at 1939 New York World's Fair showing NCR's pavilion at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Bowling Green B&O rail station (1894) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Semaphore signal plus yard switching cabin beside Bowling Green rail station at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Interior of Bowling Green rail station at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Track cycle conveyance for rail workers in Bowling Green rail station at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Callahan Building clock (1919) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Dayton Cyclery building & Callahan Building clock at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Miami & Erie Canal Lock 17 (1829) moved to Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Miami & Erie Canal superintendent's office (1895) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Miami & Erie Canal superintendent's office interior at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Smith covered bridge (1870) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Grist mill with statue of Carillon Historical Park founder Col. Edward A. Deeds. Dayton, OH. | Grist mill at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |
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Wrought-iron bridge (1881) by David H. Morrison, founder of Columbia Bridge Works of Dayton at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Wrought-iron bridge (1881) by David H. Morrison, founder of Columbia Bridge Works of Dayton at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Columbia Bridge Works of Dayton nameplate atop wrought-iron bridge (1881) at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. |