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Replica of Wright Cycle Co. at Wright Brothers Aviation Center run by National Park Service at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Recreated Wright Cycle shop showroom with bike actually sold by Wright in 1901 at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Recreated Wright Cycle shop office at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Recreated Wright Cycle shop bicycle workshop at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. |
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Recreated Wright Cycle shop lathe at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Recreated Wright Cycle shop replica of 1901 wind tunnel at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Type of photographic equipment used by Wright Brothers at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Letterpress used by Wrights to replicate letters at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. |
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Wright Flyer III (1905) the first plane to be able to take off & land repeatedly at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. On National Register. | Pilot controls of Wright Flyer III (1905) at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Tail view of Wright Flyer III (1905) at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | 35-hp engine (1911) used by Wright Bros. for testing purposes at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. |
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Wright's concept of first air boat with canoe to keep plane afloat at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Medal of Wright Flyer (1979) by L. Zanelli at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Wilbur Wright (1867-1912) bronze bust (c1940) by Seth M. Velsey at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Orville Wright (1871-1948) bronze bust (c1940) by Seth M. Velsey at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. |
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Medal (1909) honoring Orville & Wilbur Wright issued through a resolution of Congress at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Wright Bros. medal (1967) by Hall of Fame for Great American's at New York University issued at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Bronze bench with bowler hats like those worn by Wright Brothers at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. | Orville Wright's toolbox at Wright Brothers Aviation Center. Dayton, OH. |